Friday, September 23, 2011

Call for Curators

Brooklyn Artists Gym is introducing a new program geared towards emerging curators in New York City. Applications for curatorial projects and exhibitions to take place in 2012 are now being accepted. This unique opportunity is available for those organizing solo and group shows. All are invited to apply.

Two accepted applicants will be granted free access to the BAG gallery, an 850 square foot exhibition space for a seven day period.  BAG will provide a one hour consultation, assist with marketing, and host a three hour opening reception. The deadline for applications is December 1, 2011. Applicants will be notified by December 15th.

BAG Gallery is open Monday through Friday, 11am - 6pm, and Saturday by appointment. With subway access nearby and regular classes and events, BAG receives considerable foot-traffic.

For gallery floor plans and more information, please visit

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