Monday, May 7, 2012

Wax Opening Reception

Encaustic works often look and feel delicate because soft, muted colors emerge from the surface. But encaustic is a toxic medium whose complex process deters many artists from its use.  Brooklyn Artists Gym wishes to draw awareness to this infrequently used medium through WAX; exposing viewers to encaustic’s typical properties in addition to new artistic approaches.

Participating artists: Francesca Azzara, Miles Conrad, Heidi Curko, Patricia Dusman, Alicia Forestall-Boehm, Noelle Gray, Sarah Grew, Aoife Hand, Stephanie Hargrave, Kay Hartung, Nancy Hubbard, Emily Korson, Jodie Manasevit, Carolina Rubio MacWright, Michele Schuff, Mari Renwick, Krista Svalbonas, Amy Weil.