Wednesday, July 18, 2012

BAG Artist Talk Series Present: Daniele Genadry

Daniele Genadry was born in 1980. She received a BA from Dartmouth College, and an MFA from The Slade School of Fine Art. She exhibits work both in the US and internationally, most recently at Agial Gallery in Beirut, and has participated in artist residencies in London, Lebanon, Italy, Crete, Belgium, Colorado and Brooklyn.

Time: July 19th, 6:30PM
Add: 168 7th St, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11215

Please RSVP to  $5 donation

More info please check our Facebook Page:

Summer Member Salon Opening this Saturday, 6-9PM

Please join us for the 2012 Summer Member Salon, on Saturday July 21st at 6-9PM, to see work by the following artists:
Elisabet Diaz-Cintron, Lewis Folden, Veroniqe Gambier, Raul Gracia, Kristen Haskell, Darryl Hudak, Rhia Hurt, Case Jernigan, Richard Kessler, Suzy Kopf, Taeko Kuraya, Emily Lazerwitz, Eric Pelka, Rachel Rickert, Ian Schwartz, Casey Shaw, Rachel Shim, Molly Smith, Rachael Whitney, Kate Wilkes, Heidi Yockey.

Check more info:

On view 7/21/12 through 7/27/12
Opening Reception Sat. 7/21/12 6-9 pm
Gallery Hours: Monday-Friday 11AM-6PM

168 7th St, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11215

Monday, May 7, 2012

Wax Opening Reception

Encaustic works often look and feel delicate because soft, muted colors emerge from the surface. But encaustic is a toxic medium whose complex process deters many artists from its use.  Brooklyn Artists Gym wishes to draw awareness to this infrequently used medium through WAX; exposing viewers to encaustic’s typical properties in addition to new artistic approaches.

Participating artists: Francesca Azzara, Miles Conrad, Heidi Curko, Patricia Dusman, Alicia Forestall-Boehm, Noelle Gray, Sarah Grew, Aoife Hand, Stephanie Hargrave, Kay Hartung, Nancy Hubbard, Emily Korson, Jodie Manasevit, Carolina Rubio MacWright, Michele Schuff, Mari Renwick, Krista Svalbonas, Amy Weil.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Art21 Screenings at B.A.G every other Tuesday!

Brooklyn Artists Gym will be hosting screenings of Art21 every other Tuesday.

The next upcoming screening will be:
Tuesday, April 10th from (7:00-8:00pm) 
Season 1: Episode 3 "Consumption"
Popcorn will be served. Come join us and bring your friends!

168 7th Street (3rd floor)
Brooklyn, NY 11215
phone: 718.858.9069

Monday, March 5, 2012

Recent Grad/Single Parent Residencies

Single Parent Residency 

Brooklyn Artists Gym recognizes that being an artist is tough in this city, but being a single-parent artist is even tougher.  So through The BAG Fund, artists who are bringing up children solo can apply for scholarships for Open Studio memberships, which offer access to 4000 square feet of atelier-style space, drying racks for paintings, lockers, critiques, participation in group shows and all sorts of other amenities to make the making of art a bit easier.

Interested artists or friends of artists should go to the Brooklyn Artists Gym website ( or call 718-858-9069 to make an appointment to visit.  The deadline for applications is May 1st, and the membership starts June 1st, 2012.  The memberships last 6 months.  BAG has only two positions available for this round.

Recent Graduate Residency
Brooklyn Artists Gym is offering recent grads Open Studio space for $149/month.

BAG is taking nine art graduates and giving them subsidized studio space for six months. Applications are now being accepted up until May 1st, and the recent-grad memberships start June 1st.  These memberships, designed for people who are facing paying back student loans and just getting started in New York, include 4000 square feet of shared studio space and all the amenities of a studio.

All successful applicants will also be part of the group show “Introductions”, which will feature these ten artists.

Interested artists or friends of artists should go to the Brooklyn Artists Gym website ( to download an application, or call 718-858-9069 to make an appointment to visit. BAG has only ten positions available for this round.

Spring Artist Talks

Monday, February 27, 2012

Calls for Art, Second Half of 2012

Art21 Screening at BAG

You’re Invited to View Art21: Episode 1: Change
The Gallery at BAG
Friday, May 11th, 2012 at 7:00pm
An exclusive advanced screening from Season Six of The Peabody Award-winning documentary Art in the Twenty-first Century
BROOKLYN, NY– MAY 11, 2012 – BROOKLYN ARTISTS GYM In partnership with Art21 as part of its Access ’12 initiative, presents a sneak preview in advance of the premiere of the sixth season of Art in the Twenty-First Century, the only prime time national television series focused exclusively on contemporary art, on FRIDAY, MAY 11, 2012 at 168 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215. The event will be held in the gallery space and can accommodate a maximum of 30 people. This event is free and open to the public. RSVP to
Art21 Access ’12 is an international screening initiative created to increase knowledge of contemporary art, ignite dialogue, and inspire creative thinking through hundreds of public screenings and events that tailor the ideas presented in series to the interests and concerns of local audiences. The season premieres on PBS April 13th with a new episode each Friday during the April and May at 9 pm (check local listings).  Through in-depth profiles and interviews, the four-part series reveals the inspiration, vision and techniques behind the creative works of some of today’s most thought-provoking artists.
“Art21 Access ’12 provides an opportunity for organizations around the country and the world to experience a central goal of Art21—dialogue inspired by contemporary art and the ideas it expresses,” said Susan Sollins, Executive Producer of Art21. “We hope that participating organizations find ways to best utilize the Art21 materials for their respective communities and that audiences will take full advantage of the events in their area and discover the life-changing potential of viewing creative role models at work. Our goal is that these events spark new conversations, and expose all kinds of viewers to the important work of the artists profiled in the series.” 
Art21 Access ’12 events are presented in partnership with the Arts Business Council, Emerging Leaders of New York Arts, National Guild for Community Arts Education, and the YMCA. An updated list of Art21 Access ’12 events and venues worldwide can be found at
Art21 Access ’12 events are being hosted by museums, schools, libraries, art spaces, community centers, and universities worldwide. Each event features an exclusive advance screening of one or two episodes from Season Six of the documentary, as well as an educational component, such as talks by local, regional, and national artists; lectures; panel discussions; interactive art-making projects and question-and-answer sessions.
The following episode will be screened during the May 11th, 2012 event:
Episode 1: Change
This episode features artists who bear witness, through their work, to transformation—cultural, material, and aesthetic—and actively engage communities as collaborators and subjects. Ai Weiwei, El Anatsui, and Catherine Opie are featured.
Brooklyn Artists Gym us an artist studio and gallery facility in the Park Slope/Gowanus area of Brooklyn, New York. BAG’s mission is to make it possible for artists to further their work and careers at a reasonable cost.
Over the last decade, Art21 has established itself as the preeminent chronicler of contemporary art and artists through its Peabody Award-winning biennial television series Art in the Twenty-First Century. The organization has used the power of digital media to expose millions of people of all ages to contemporary art and artists and has created a new paradigm for teaching and learning about the creative process.
In addition to its PBS series and year-round series-based education and public programs efforts, Art21 has expanded its film production and educational efforts in recent years. Several new initiatives have been launched in the past year including New York Close Up, a new documentary series on Art and Life in New York City, and the premiere of Art21’s first feature film, William Kentridge: Anything Is Possible. Art21 also offers Art21 Educators, an ongoing professional development program for teachers now entering its fourth year.
Find Art21 on Facebook and Twitter.
Brooklyn Artists Gym

Friday, February 24, 2012

On view Saturday, March 3rd through Tuesday, March 20th  
Brooklyn Artists Gym

(Brooklyn, NY — February 24, 2012)  The Gallery at BAG is proud to present Chromophilia, an exhibition showcasing artworks by thirteen artists.

Chromophilia offers viewers a chance to see through the eyes of thirteen contemporary colorists by observing their paintings, assemblage, and digital artworks. These artworks show deep investigation of color, shape, texture and form while pushing color relationships. Through the artwork exhibited in “Chromophilia,” participating artists teach us something new about the way we see color.

Please join The Gallery at BAG for the opening reception of  Chromophilia on Saturday, March 3rd from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 

Participating artists:
Paul Behnke, Tracey Chan & Jeff Hendrickson, Carol Chave, Marc Cheetham, Veronique Gambier, Jeanne Heifetz, Daniel Hill, Will Hutnick, Mary Schiliro, Polly Shindler, Sally Tardella, and Jannell Turner.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Figure Now

The Figure Now
On view Saturday, February 11th through Monday, February 27th
Brooklyn Artists Gym
(Brooklyn, NY — February 3, 2012) The Gallery at BAG is proud to present The Figure
Now, an exhibition showcasing figurative works by ten local and international artists.
The Figure Now offers viewers an array of figurative paintings and drawings with imagery
ranging from representational to abstract in a variety of media. The extensive scope of
style is also shown through the distinct scales, themes, narratives, and techniques that each
of the artists employ. The artwork’s contemporary settings distinguish these pieces from
historical precedents concerning figurative work.
Please join The Gallery at BAG for the opening reception of The Figure Now on Saturday,
February 11th from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Participating artists:
Rhia Hurt, Allison Maletz, Daina Mattis, Ann Marie Napoli, David Pettibone, Alexa de
los Reyes, Rachel Sharp, Jane Westrick, Lindsey Wolkowicz, and Debra Zechowski.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wax: Call for Art

Brooklyn Artists Gym is seeking visual art submissions that include wax as a primary medium. Paintings, installation, sculpture, photography, and works on paper are considered provided wax is an integral and essential component of the piece. Entries are not limited to encaustic work.

Please include a brief statement (one or two paragraphs) describing your work and how wax plays a part in it, or describing how wax is important to the process and/or the finished work.

Open call for wax based artworks
2D /3D work no larger than 8’ in direction
Submission deadline: Monday, April 9th 2012 (email an Open Call Submission Package with-3 jpeg images and brief, one paragraph, artist statement to
Accepted artwork must arrive at The Gallery at BAG no later than Wednesday, May 9th at 6:00 p.m.
An opening reception will be held on Saturday, May 19th from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Open call submission package can be found at